Kamala’s Brilliant Plan to Kill Investments and Ruin the Economy One Tax Hike at a Time

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One has to wonder if Kamala Harris is secretly eyeing a Nike endorsement, given how fast she’s running away from her own extreme, far-left positions. It wasn’t too long ago that she was all in on banning fracking, eliminating private health insurance, confiscating firearms, granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, and pushing a $9 trillion per year Green New Deal. But now? Poof—those San Francisco-approved policies have vanished from her “revised” campaign platform as if they never existed. It’s like watching someone shake an Etch-a-Sketch, pretending the past never happened.

Of course, Harris claims her “values haven’t changed,” and, in this case, we believe her. After all, nothing gives a Democrat who’s rated left of Bernie Sanders more joy than raising taxes—and boy, is that something she’s still committed to. If you thought her former policies were bad, just wait. Kamala Harris is still determined to dig deep into your pockets with one tax hike after another. Behind every door of her tax-happy platform is another opportunity for the government to take more of your hard-earned money.

But Kamala isn’t satisfied with just raising existing taxes. Oh no, she’s got a brand-new, shiny tax plan that sounds like it was cooked up in some anti-capitalist think tank. Enter the “billionaire minimum tax,” a proposal designed to target what she claims is fewer than 1,000 U.S. taxpayers. Harris is banking on the populist appeal of sticking it to the rich, hoping to distract voters from the fact that since she and Biden took office, everything is 21 percent more expensive. Yup, she wants to take more of your money while the cost of living skyrockets—what a deal, right?

Now, most Americans know that capital gains—profits from selling an asset held for more than a year—are taxed at a lower rate than income. This encourages investment, which leads to economic growth, job creation, and, yes, more tax revenue. A rare win for taxpayers.

Under the current system, profits from selling stocks, property, or even your old baseball cards top out at a 20 percent tax rate. Compare that to the highest income tax rate of 37 percent, and it’s clear why capital gains taxes are lower—they’re designed to keep money flowing into investments that benefit everyone.

But Kamala, in her infinite wisdom, wants to turn that system upside down. Her brilliant idea? Tax unrealized capital gains. That’s right, she wants to slap a 25 percent tax on gains that exist only on paper. So, if your stock portfolio increases in value, even though you haven’t actually sold anything or made any money, she’s coming for her cut. This insane proposal would jack up the top capital gains tax rate to over 44 percent, punishing investors for simply holding onto their assets.

Let’s think about what this means. Investors, particularly those who fund new business ventures, would face massive tax bills before they ever even make a profit. Talk about a disaster for startups—the very backbone of economic growth in this country. Instead of incentivizing risk-taking and entrepreneurship, Harris wants to punish it. And what happens when the value of an investment drops after being taxed on its peak value? Does the government offer a refund? Of course not. You’re still stuck paying taxes on phantom profits while holding onto an asset that’s worth less.

It’s clear that Harris never took an economics class because this plan defies basic financial logic. Wealthy people aren’t stupid, and they’ll quickly figure out ways around her poorly thought-out tax. Instead of selling their assets and triggering this outrageous tax, they’ll simply borrow against their portfolios, claim the interest as a loss, and never sell the stock. In the end, not only will the government collect less tax revenue, but it’ll also stifle the economy by discouraging investment.

Harris, like most Democrats, doesn’t understand that the rich don’t stuff their money in mattresses. They invest it in banks, businesses, and markets, providing capital that helps fuel the economy. When middle-class Americans need a loan or mortgage, it’s the investments of the wealthy that make that money available. By punishing the rich, Harris would harm everyone—investors, consumers, and everyday Americans alike.

There’s a reason financial experts have called Harris’s tax proposal “scary” and “an unmitigated disaster.” Punitive taxes like this don’t just hurt the rich—they kill economic growth and opportunity for everyone. But for Kamala, this is just another day in her far-left fantasy world where success is something to be penalized. So, while she may have backpedalled on some of her past positions, one thing is crystal clear: her love for high taxes and anti-capitalist policies remains stronger than ever.