Parents and Their Lawyers Fed Up with CA Schools Secretly Transing Kids

Carolina Jaramillo /

California is facing a string of lawsuits after its insane legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) stripped away virtually all rights of parents with children in public schools. In the ongoing culture wars in America, nothing is eviler than schools gender transitioning children without notifying the parents. More than a dozen school districts banned the practice at the request of parents. The legislature and Newsom teamed up to make parental notification illegal in the state. Hence, the lawsuits.

Parents across the country were shocked to learn about some of the things that were happening in public schools during the COVID lockdowns. Because of the added scrutiny that schools started to receive, parents were horrified when they found out that schools had been secretly gender transitioning some children. Some schools went so far as to provide alternate sets of clothing at school for kids and required all the children to use incorrect pronouns for the kids they were secretly transitioning.

That led to the uprisings at school boards across the country that led Joe Biden to start sending the FBI after uppity parents. Even in California, which is a mostly red state, school districts started banning the secret transitioning of kids without parental notification.

This enraged the lunatic homosexuals in the California legislature. The super-gay supermajority of Democrats passed AB 1955 to punish parents for thinking they have any say in their children’s lives. The bill was even given one of those incredibly dishonest names that Democrats are so fond of. They called it the Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth (SAFETY) Act. This is insane.

“We chopped your son’s penis off today and now call him Sally for his safety!”

The law bans parental notification policies in all California public school districts. It’s set to go into effect on January 1, 2025, unless the courts intervene.

Huntington Beach is one of the cities in California that has declared itself a “Parents’ Right to Know” city. Mayor Gracey Van Der Merk says the city is suing the state government and Newsom to try to overturn the law on behalf of parents.

“We have no jurisdiction over schools, but we represent everyone in the City of Huntington Beach, including the parents,” Van Der Mark said. “It’s about our parental rights and the state chipping away at [them] and trying to raise our children for us.”

At least nine families have joined the lawsuit so far. Some parents have joined the suit anonymously out of fear that the bloodthirsty Democrats running the legislature will retaliate against them by arresting them or burning their homes down. Welcome to “America” in 2024!

The lawsuit notes that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) still classifies gender dysphoria as a mental health disorder. You’d never realize that by listening to Kamala Harris or the mainstream media, but it’s true. The suit states that schools are administering medical treatments that they are unqualified for when they transition kids without parental knowledge. The law doesn’t set any age limits on the parental notification ban, so even preschoolers can be gender transitioned—and it’s illegal for teachers to tell the parents.

It would be interesting to know how many teachers in California are opposed to this law. Imagine being threatened with jail or losing your job if you alert parents to a problem their child is having. We’re guessing the number of teachers opposed to this is pretty high, but they’re afraid to speak out due to fear of retaliation. For the sake of the children and parents, we should all hope that the courts overturn this abomination.