While China Corners the Market, the US Keeps Digging… Into Bureaucratic Nonsense

BETO SANTILLAN / shutterstock.com
China is getting ready to play the ultimate power move by restricting exports of a critical mineral needed for weapons production, all while an American company that could reduce U.S. reliance on foreign suppliers is stuck in a bureaucratic nightmare. On August 15, China announced it would be tightening the screws on exports of antimony—a […]

Why Today’s Sex Ed Is a Bad Joke, Brought to You by the Gender Unicorn

Pixel-Shot / shutterstock.com
Sex education used to be simple. Back in the day, there were just two sexes, and “gender” was something that belonged in grammar lessons, not identity politics. Today, we’re buried under a mountain of woke nonsense that’s dragging down what should be straightforward biology. The media doesn’t help either; they love to push this garbage. […]

WATCH: Student Loan Forgiveness Suddenly Isn’t Enough

Student loan forgiveness is one thing. Debt forgiveness is something else entirely. See where the fight is leading to:

Kamala Mispronounces ‘Doritos’ Weirdly as She Tries to Pretend She’s Human

AF Branco / creators.com
Before they showed up at the Democrat Party’s freak show convention this week, Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim Walz did a bus tour to drive to Chicago. This was an opportunity for Harris and Walz to stop in small towns and pretend that they were relatable to the sort of American people that they dismissively […]

Tim Walz’s Donors Arrested for Stealing $250 Million from the Taxpayers

lev radin / shutterstock.com
The more that people get to know Tampon Tim Walz, the more there is to dislike. New revelations that would sink a normal campaign are surfacing almost every day. When someone’s past is a political liability to Kamala Harris—of all people—then they must have done some bad things. Walz has. In the latest scandal to […]

Borrowers Say Getting Student Loans Forgiven Wasn’t Enough as They Take on New Debt 

Katiindies / shutterstock.com
If voters weren’t already angry enough about student loan forgiveness, borrowers are now saying it doesn’t even matter.  Last summer, the Supreme Court stopped President Biden’s first plan to cancel a lot of student debt. Now, the Education Department is working on a new plan to provide more help.   However, Biden’s SAVE repayment plan also […]

Which Pronoun on Kamala’s Campaign Website Most Resembles You?

Sir. David / shutterstock.com
It should be clear by now that only crazy people will be voting for Kamala Harris this November.* With 50% inflation on fuel, 30% inflation on food, and the threat of global thermonuclear war hanging over our heads, who could vote for more of that? An even better question is, how crazy would you have […]

Harris Connections Could Get Google Off the Hook 

JHVEPhoto / shutterstock.com
Experts warn that while Google has lost its anti-trust case, Harris may be positioned to get the tech giant off the hook if elected.  The antitrust trial against Google started on January 24, 2023. On August 5, 2024, a judge recently ruled that Google has an illegal monopoly over online searches.   Judge Amit Mehta found […]

Climate Judiciary Project “Trains” Judges on How to Rule on Environmental Cases 

Chay_Tee / shutterstock.com
A new report from the American Energy Institute (AEI) says that the Environmental Law Institute’s Climate Judiciary Project (CJP) is “falsely portraying itself” as being unbiased while teaching judges about “climate science.”   The Environmental Law Institute runs the Climate Judiciary Project (CJP). Its goal is to “teach judges about climate science” and how “climate change […]

The Real Inflation Busters: Broke Shoppers Refusing to Pay More

After three years of watching prices climb faster than a toddler on a sugar rush, it seems the everyday shopper has finally had enough. Companies from Amazon to Disney are learning the hard way that their customers aren’t willing to fork over extra cash for overpriced goods. Instead, folks are rummaging through the bargain bin, […]