Nearly 10 Percent of the Population of Texas is Now Illegal Aliens - Yuri A /

Last week, Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson issued new guidance to clerks across the state that they should allow noncitizen driver licenses to be used as a valid form of ID to register to vote. That’s a huge problem since nearly 10% of the entire population in Texas is now foreign-born, including millions of illegal aliens allowed into the country by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The current population of Texas is estimated to be around 31 million people. When Secretary Nelson announced the new guidance, the public immediately started to speak out against the policy. The Texas Department of Public Safety announced that it has issued 2,824,613 driver licenses, CDLs, and state ID’s to non-citizens.

To put that figure into perspective, Donald Trump won the State of Texas in the 2020 election by about 630,000 votes. Secretary Nelson’s new guidance—which Republicans in Congress were quick to point out—is clearly in violation of federal law. Only citizens are allowed to vote in our elections, and she just opened the floodgates to let nearly 3 million non-citizens vote.

Fortunately, the public backlash to the policy was fierce and very vocal. This week, Secretary Nelson reversed the policy. Clerks are no longer allowed to accept noncitizen driver licenses as a form of ID to register to vote.

Why did it require public backlash to make this happen in the first place? At what point did people in America decide that it’s acceptable to allow foreigners to decide our nation’s future by voting? Jane Nelson is a life-long Republican and she was appointed Secretary of State by a Republican governor. She should know better.